NOTICE regarding Black Satin Corsets at CCEE 2024

If you bought a black satin corset from Felix & Kitty at the Calgary Expo, please check it to make sure that the fabric is behaving as it should. We seem to have received some defective fabric and are recalling the corsets made with it. For complete details, read this post.

2024 Event Season Underway

2024 is well underway. We enjoyed getting back out to Calgary for the for CCEE (April 25 – 28) and we are now taking all the fresh ideas and inspiration we found there and putting them towards our next show:

  • Edmonton Comic & Entertainment Expo (ECEE) – September 20 – 22, 2024

We’ve revamped our Shop and sizing system

Dividing clothes along gender lines is fast becoming an outdated concept. You should feel free to wear whatever makes you happy, and clothes should be made to fit whatever shape you are.

So now, all our designs will be made for your actual body measurements, whatever your size, shape, gender (or lack thereof), or cup size (if applicable).

Join us on Wearables that Should Exist

Our new Facebook Group, Wearables that Should Exist, is now up and going strong! It’s a place where people come together to exchange their ideas on exactly what it sounds like: clothing, support devices and braces that they wish they could find, garments for modifying bodies in various ways, ways to restore strength and mobility to people with disabilities or manage chronic pain.

This is where Kitty’s been sharing detailed photos and info on all her ongoing projects, as well as recruiting testers for her latest design experiments. If you’ve ever wanted to bring an idea to life, come join us and help make it happen right now.

Kitty joins the 21st century!

As some of you already know, Kitty is joining us in the new millennium and learning how to use social media. Our Instagram account (@felixandkittycreative) will now be getting regular, and we’ll update our Facebook page often as well. She also now has her own Instagram (@kitty_volta), where she will post about non-business-related projects.

Newsletter Launch

We have launched a newsletter. To help kick things off, we’re going to be giving away corsets to some of the first subscribers. Contest details are on our Newsletter page. You can also subscribe here: