Month: March 2017

Amelia’s New Clothes

Kitty has been designing again!

Some ideas take a while to come to fruition.  This one has been percolating on the back burner for a while now.  Inspired in part by Steampunk harnesses, vests, and mini-corsets, Kitty finally had the  time to put these various ideas together and try making a prototype.

And then she made some corections and made another prototype…

And then she made another one…

And another…

You get the idea.  It takes a while to design something.  You go through as many iterations as it takes until you either laugh manaically and throw it on the fire, or you stand back and think “I like it.”

We like it.  Here are a few snaps:

What to call it?  Until a better name comes along, I will use the term Amelia’s Vestlet.  Amelia (our mannequin) is wearing it and it’s vesty. Vest-ish?

Regardless of what it’s called, we’re planning to have a small number of them with us at CCEE (April 27-30th).  See you then!
